Pandora’s Box-Spring

Have you ever started what you thought would be a simple project only to have it end up being anything BUT simple? 

A couple of weeks ago, I unwittingly (okay maybe sort of wittingly) went thrift store shopping looking for bargains. Just looking – not really intending to buy anything. Thrift store shopping is a recent pastime of mine developed in the wake of COVID-19. My need for retail therapy outweighs my need to hoard money in the event of a worldwide, cataclysmic end-of-the-world apocalypse.  I can’t afford to pay retail, so second-hand shops are my current “go-to.” You know … one man’s trash is another (wo)man’s treasure , and all that. Image result for treaure hunter

Thrift store shopping is usually a hit or miss endeavor that typically finds me missing more than I hit.  However two weeks ago I hit the mother lode – the jackpot of junk, a secondhand miracle, if you will. I went what some might call “a little overboard.”

I found a Melissa and Doug artist play station/easel for my granddaughter, three brass lamps with lamp shades and decorative finials, a nightstand, an oak end table, an armoire and a metal (nickel) headboard and footboard for my King-size bed. I know it sounds like a lot – and for me … it was a LOT of merchandise in a short span of time. In my defense, I only spent $20.00 for all the lamps, the nightstand and the end table. One of my favorite thrift stores offers 50% off  EVERYTHING every Monday.  A bargain hunter can do a lot of damage at 50% off! Image result for 50% off images

The armoire and metal headboard/foot board were in fantastic condition and reasonably priced at a fraction of what they would be brand-new. 

Little did I realize that by bringing new bedroom furniture into my very blasé boudoir I was opening up a veritable Pandora’s Box of trouble and trials.  It started innocently enough. My current king-size headboard is what you would call a hand-me-down-do-it-yourself-repurposed piece that I was anxious to replace.  The new headboard was installed easily and looked amazing. However, it didn’t take long to realize that the current bed frame wasn’t equipped to attach a footboard – metal or otherwise. That necessitated ordering extension pieces for the frame that cost an additional $20.00. No big deal.

Once the extensions arrived the following day (thank you Amazon Prime), my husband and I wrestled the heavy mattress and the box spring off the frame. (Not an easy – or smart- thing for a couple of 60-year-olds to tackle!)  Attaching the extenders and the footboard proved to be somewhat more challenging than the headboard. The hubs wore a path in the carpet back and forth from the bedroom to the garage carting in various tools and assorted wrenches – many with names and purposes that stymied me. I don’t care what you need or what that thingamabob doohickey is called. JUST. FIX. MY. BED.

Of course, it was too much to expect that the footboard would fit perfectly on the first try. Power tools were needed, prayers were raised towards heaven as there was no room for do-overs or mistakes. Long story short – it was a process that required much maneuvering, lifting, sweating, pushing, shoving and perhaps even a few muttered under-the-breath curse words (mostly on my part). Trying to arrange and rearrange the bed skirt numerous times required the most patience and resulted in much head-scratching and many, many do-overs.  Men simply don’t understand the important role that a properly placed bed skirt plays in completing the right look and ambiance for a chic bedroom ensemble.  How do you explain to a man that has 16 drawers with 47 different types of nails that a bed skirt is a necessity when storage is minimal, and your excess crap-to-closet-space ratio is unnaturally unbalanced. Image result for bed skirts

Eventually though – our new bed was assembled and I was pleased with the results … for all of about two whole minutes. The springs and hinges on Pandora’s box started to squeak when I noticed the glaringly white wall that was now suddenly visible between the slats of the metal headboard. The old headboard was solid wood and covered over a multitude of scrapes and scuff marks. Well – that certainly won’t do! The only solution would be to paint – of course! Image result for pandoras box

We made the jump to light speed in a nano second when painting the bedroom turned into paint AND a brand-new feature wall to showcase the lovely metal headboard. A FEATURE WALL! I blame COVID and HGTV, as I obviously would have never considered something so superficial and unnecessary were it not for COVID quarantine and way too much time to watch Fixer Upper, Home Town, and Good Bones etc. etc. etc. 

Internet searches (including the HGTV website) ensued, big box home store visits, tile and flooring showrooms – I did it all in search of the right look at the right price.

Who am I kidding? The right price was quickly buried under the costs for paint, rollers, brushes, drop clothes, barnwood slats, construction adhesive and nails – blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. etc.  With a hop, skip and a jump – my $50.00 bargain headboard/footboard became a $500.00 expense that stretched a budget that had no business being stretched in the first place. Image result for overspending

Oftentimes – what we think is a bargain or a shortcut ends up being more costly than what we ever planned or expected. My thrift store headboard/footboard is not my first over-priced “bargain” budget buster – and it likely will not be my last – because I’m frequently stupid that way.

At my core, I tend to lean towards short cuts, poor timing and rotten luck with a smattering of pre-disposed laziness. As much as I try to live by the mantra “if it’s free it’s for me,” I tend to typically land squarely in the “day-late, day-short” category of poor unfortunate souls that can’t seem to catch a break when it comes to money. 

I’m not a risk taker by nature, which is why my latest COVID-related hobby of thrift store shopping is slightly out of character for me.

I’ve been self-medicating my anxiety with retail therapy. Because, like many people, it’s not been easy to sit back and calmly watch the world go to hell in a hand-basket.  Life’s uncertainties because of the pandemic and the continuing decline of American politics has me feeling anxious and antsy. Shopping has become my coping mechanism – my drug of choice. Image result for Quotes About Retail Therapy

As much time as I spend in God’s Word, as many hours as I devote to Christian television programs, with non-stop devotions, podcasts and worship music pumping through my headphones …. One would think that I would be dealing with political corruption, government overreach and the looming threat of the plague of the century much more effectively than I have been in the last few weeks.

I KNOW that I previously wrote that I trust God completely. I have to keep reminding myself of that on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. I’d like to think that at some point in the future, we will all look back on 2020 and see God’s hand moving on our nation. Perhaps at some point we will be able to discern that God was arranging events strategically – like a cosmic Rubik’s cube – lining things up until everything aligned to His exact specifications, because He has had a plan all along.

To my human eyes and my mortal logic – so many things do not make sense right now. Every day as I pray I find myself questioning the Lord … “Do you SEE what is happening, Father? Can’t you see that things are out of control? Don’t you care that our country is moving farther and farther away from YOU and what our forefathers envisioned for our nation? Why aren’t You doing something about all of the chaos and corruption? Are you there God?” See the source image

It is when I feel this way, God speaks to me:See the source image

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See the source imageSee the source imageRight now it may seem like the world is out of control, but the above scripture seems to accurately describe what is happening in Washington. We must not give up. People who live their lives without Christ are being spoon-fed lies, deception, corruption and much more by the enemy Satan. WE who call Jesus, Lord, must be different. We must continue to be a light in the darkness. 

As tempting as it would be to spend myself into the poor-house with Thrift Store retail therapy – or to eat my weight in Oreos which at one time was my usual “go-to” stress reliever, I need to devour God’s Word until the Scriptures become the “go-to” that quiets the crazy and keeps me focused and grounded on the One who is in control.See the source image

This Scripture does not tell us to be thankful FOR all circumstances – but to be thankful IN all circumstances. I’m trying Lord, but some days it is not easy!

What about YOU? What is your “go-to” anti-anxiety remedy?  Anything other than Jesus will leave you wanting and unsatisfied.  Jesus loves YOU and wants to be your all-in-one, your everything IN and THROUGH everything the universe throws at you!

Blessings in Christ!

“Oh, Lord – It Stinketh!”

“We have a tendency to have earthly discussions about heavenly issues.”  Pastor Robert Morris

Our country is currently smack-dab in the middle of an election coma. After months of hate speeches, ads, texts, phone calls, mailers, etc., etc., etc. from both sides – we are sick and tired of the whole mess. Okay – maybe it’s just me! NOPE! I checked. Everyone is tired. Image result for i'm tired

We are days past the election and a clear winner has yet to be determined. The conversations and debates have run the gamut. I’ve heard them all. I’m at the point where I fear gray matter is leaking from my ears as people snipe, complain and accuse back and forth.

With the current election results being challenged, those on the left are appalled that those on the right want to contest the results. The fact that all of the states with questionable results are “blue states” is not a coincidence and cannot be overlooked.

For three days I’ve seen three different scenarios unfold on social media:

  • Scenario One:  Four years ago, those who opposed President Trump demanded recount after recount – yet today, those same people tell us to blindly accept the results. Biden is the winner. What’s done is done. They have quickly boarded the “Gloat Boat” and are ready to set sail to dump Trump and undo every change he has made. Those on the left that are celebrating a premature victory are harping at the rest of us to “shut up and move along. Nothing to see here. Trump is a sore loser grasping at judicial straws hoping to delay the inevitable.
  • Scenario Two: Christians – yes, born-again believers are throwing in the towel based on the skewed media coverage and data. They are walking around, moping and in despair, questioning “Where is God? This is not what we prayed for? Are you there God? Don’t you love us? Don’t you care?”  Oh, my dear saints.

AND LASTLY, but certainly not least:

  • Scenario Three: This group is comprised of seasoned Christians; whose job is to remind us of WHO our God is and to encourage us as to just how BIG our God is! This group of spiritual warriors have prayed and fasted fervently throughout our President’s term in office. They recognized from the get-go that this leader of ours and his re-election are way beyond what we can see in the natural and in the flesh. These brothers and sisters in the Lord have glimpsed the supernatural and know without a doubt that the last four years has been one of the biggest spiritual battles most of us have ever faced. The slings and arrows from Satan have ignited the battlefield. The lies have been subtle at times and bold at other times. Satan’s end game is to steer the body of Christ away from the Lord and His saving grace. Satan wants nothing more than to have us all give up and declare that God is not real and he does not care about any of us. Since election night – my warrior friends are actually getting excited – because in spite of the dire circumstances – WE KNOW (yes, I am firmly in this group – now) that the Lord is up to something and it ain’t over till it’s over! Image result for it ain't over till the fat lady sings quote

I confess that in the last couple of days, I have run up and down the emotional scale. I’ve gone from being unable to eat because of a gnawing stomach ache of anxiety – to eating myself stupid to deflect the stress of it all. I’ve had a few moments of despair – but praise God for my spiritual sisters in Christ who have boosted my morale and reminded me of WHO our God is. I shall not waiver.

Since the beginning of the lockdown and quarantine, I’ve watched so many sermons from pastors, prophets and evangelical leaders. I’ve listened to podcasts and pumped my brain full of Christian music in order to buoy myself above the negativity. I’ve heard the conspiracy theories and weighed them all against what the Word of God says.

So far, my favorite sermon comes from Pastor Robert Morris from Gateway Church in Texas. I am including a link so you can listen to this particular sermon as well. If you can’t access it through the link provided, I encourage you to log onto Pastor Robert and search for the sermon from October 18, 2020 entitled “How Do I Know God Loves Me?”

How Do I Know God Loves Me?  O C T O B E R 18

I initially watched this sermon last week but have viewed it a couple of times since. The message has been stuck in my head and it won’t let go. What is odd, is at the time of this sermon Pastor Robert was relating things to the pandemic. This aired well before the election. However, I feel that it is very apropos to what we are witnessing post-election.

This sermon is about the death of Lazarus. The entire account can be found in the Book of John, Chapter 11. It is a fascinating story and well worth the read.

Pastor Morris’s main point in this sermon is – why did Jesus wait four days before he went to Bethany in order to raise Lazarus from the dead?

Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus, were excited that Jesus finally showed up after hearing that their brother had died. Yet they must have questioned why Jesus took so long in getting there. Four days, for a trip that could be made in a fraction of that time. Both sisters had confidence that Lazarus would be resurrected in the last days – but it must have seemed unlikely that after FOUR long days in the tomb – there was absolutely no hope for their brother’s healing. 

Jesus was so meticulous and patient with the sisters because he clearly had a plan. Jesus was up to something! When he asked that the stone be rolled away from the tomb where Lazarus was laid to rest, Martha was gravely concerned. (Ha ha – gravely!)

But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.” John 11:39

Jesus purposely waited FOUR days to perform this miracle because he wanted to do something unprecedented. He needed to get everyone’s attention. He needed the world to see that he was fully and completely in control. He needed everyone to know that he had a plan. He needed everyone to realize that Lazarus needed to die and be in the grave for FOUR days so that everyone would see the glory of God!Image result for the tomb of lazarus40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40

JESUS IS UP TO SOMETHING with this unprecedented election!

The lawsuits against counties and states that lost ballots, invalidated ballots, threw out ballots  – or as in Arizona where I live – FORCED people to use ONLY a Sharpie marker knowing full well that the ballots would be deemed invalid – all of these things needed to happen.


The lawsuits against corrupt governors and greedy, power-hungry career politicians who mock God and believe they are above the law – needs to happen.

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For decades political demigods have repeatedly demonstrated that they do not fear God. They have worshipped at the altars of power, prestige, position and wealth. They believe Christians to be weak-minded, blindly following money-hungry-fire-and-damnation preachers who lead their flock of sheep with fear and intimidation.  Liberal left-leaning politicians believe Christians use Jesus and the church as a crutch because we live for the hope of an afterlife in a fantasy place called Heaven. For the record – the church is more than a crutch. It is the whole dang hospital!


Non-believing, power-seeking politicians are convinced Christians are an “odius anachronism.”   I actually had to look that one up after I heard about a lawsuit against a Christian organization yesterday. The term ODIUS means: extremely unpleasant; a repulsive character. ANACHRONISM means: a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.  (Merriam Webster Dictionary) There you have it – we Christ followers are believed to be unpleasant, repulsive and old-fashioned.

In the last four years, President Trump has repeatedly proclaimed he was going to “drain the swamp.” These many lawsuits will undoubtedly reveal the seedy, corrupt underbelly of Washington D.C. and it’s many immoral career politicians. They may have initially convinced themselves they had a sincere desire to help the working man – but many chose the pathway to destruction as they reaped the benefits of kickbacks, secret deals, pay-to-play, bribery, collusion, and all manner of immoral, depraved debauchery.


In the coming days and weeks – things may look hopeless and bleak. It may appear as if the President will not be re-elected. It may seem as if all is lost. But remember: JESUS IS UP TO SOMETHING! There is a great stink in Washington politics that is about to be exposed. For those who have have mocked him and denied Him, have unleashed a sleeping giant. We are going to see the magnificent glory of God through all of this!

I will not give up or give in until every last vote is legally counted or until every lawsuit is adjudicated. I will believe the best.

I have prayed and reminded God (like He doesn’t already know this) that our president has done more for the nation of Israel in the last four years than any other politician has done in decades. The Lord knows what is at stake for Israel – which in my opinion, is one of the main reasons President Trump was called to be our president for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)


IF the corruption wins out and our President is not re-elected, I CHOOSE to believe that everything will be fine. I CHOOSE to believe that God has a bigger plan that I cannot see. I choose to remain hopeful and joyful, for my joy comes from the Lord and the joy of the Lord is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) As with the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the book of Daniel – when they were forced into the fiery furnace they confidently proclaimed:

 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand.18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:17-18 (Emphasis mine.)  

I believe God is able to deliver the president from this persecution. But IF he does not, I will still serve only the Lord. I do not worship a president or a government. I am blessed to live in America where I hope we will retain our religious freedoms. If Mr. Biden becomes our president, I will pray for him as the leader of our country, as the Word tells us we should. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

I believe President Trump has been used by God in the past four years. Is he perfect? No, of course not – but who of us is? Let those without sin cast the first stone. (John 8:7) Our president has made some mistakes. Should he filter his words and Tweets? Absolutely. He speaks his mind and isn’t afraid to stand up to Washington bullies. He is at times a bulldog – but a bulldog is what you need when you are negotiating with dictators who seek to bring about harm to America. Trump is confident as a leader and does not bow to other leaders. He is not a pushover. He does not apologize for America.

President Trump is not the most eloquent of speakers, but he has proven time and again that he is no dummy. He is a brilliant businessman which is what our country has needed for so long after decades and decades of career politicians who have fattened their own wallets while stealing from the very people they promised to help. A friend of mine has said repeatedly that for the last four years all of Washington has been playing checkers with Trump because they think he is stupid. What these politicians have failed to realize – is that while they have played checkers – Trump has been playing chess and he is several moves ahead of them. See the source image


I don’t blame the president for the thousands of COVID deaths. He surrounded himself with experts and took their advice. I can’t believe Joe Biden thinks he would have done things differently – or better. I believe that the President’s personal battle with the Corona Virus had a profound impact on him and he is not wasting what he learned through that experience. I believe God probably got his attention with this illness. Many question whether our president is a Christian or a believer based on things he has said and done – both recently and in his colorful past. But honestly – we cannot judge others and their personal relationships with the Lord. Salvation is between God and the individual. 

How many of us would like to be judged throughout our entire lives for things we did when we were 20?  Now in my 60s, I am not the same person I was at 20 or 30. Thank goodness! We all change. We all evolve. Like the rest of us, President Trump deserves grace for his own evolution.

President Trump is not the same man he was when he entered the presidential race in 2016. He is still bold and outspoken and frequently arrogant. But I believe he is more in love with America and Americans than he was four years ago. I believe he has been buoyed by the recent outpouring of support and the thousands of people who have attended his rallies. The miles and miles of Trump supporters proudly waving their American Flags and Trump 2020 flags has not gone unnoticed. (Just last week – 96 miles of cars and trucks here in Arizona showing their support for the President!)

This man is tired. He has been working relentlessly for four years – without being paid – I might add. He stepped away from his lucrative business and has made more sacrifices than many of us can ever imagine. I don’t believe he has wavered from his convictions to Make America Great Again. He’s got to be beyond tired of all of the Washington bullshit (sorry, it needed to be said). He’s tired of not being allowed to do the job that he was hired for. He’s tired of constant criticism and scrutiny by people on BOTH sides of the political aisle.

Even though our president has every right to be tired and every reason to simply walk away from the constant barrage of attacks – he still wants to finish the job for which he was elected four years ago. Few would willingly choose this difficult path. I believe that he will continue to fight for democracy, for fair elections and for truth and justice. People can say “never Trump” because they don’t like his personality – but honestly, that is the stupidest reason to vote for his opposition. The Presidency is not a popularity contest. This is not high school.

The enemy, Satan, has stepped up his game in the last many months. The forces of good and evil are becoming bolder as this battle over the presidency is likely to be waged in the courts. Many lukewarm Christians have turned a blind eye to this spiritual warfare. They are believing the lies being bandied about by the fake news media. Some even think that we spiritual warriors have gone too far, and have crossed over the line to fanaticism with our continual proclamations of spiritual battles and the unseen supernatural world. They believe that Christianity and politics are mutually exclusive. One has nothing to do with the other. The two should not intersect because “religion” has no place in political policy. These people are playing a dangerous game with their passive/aggressive stance.Image result for Revelation 3:16Wake up sleepy Christians. JESUS IS UP TO SOMETHING. I pray the Lord will light a fire under you! He has been sending us warnings and messages trying to get our attention. He is coming back soon! Are you ready? Is your family ready? Are your friends ready?  It’s going to take more than hoarding toilet paper, canned goods, ammo and water to be ready for the return of Christ!

We warriors need to be spreading the gospel louder than ever. We have ONE job: to share the Gospel and lead unbelievers to Christ, before it is too late! Okay – so maybe that’s two jobs. Potato – po-tah-to! It’s time to get to work brothers and sisters!

The swamp is stinking! The swamp has needed to be exposed and drained for a long, long time. Now that it stinketh to high heaven – we have to believe and trust that God’s glory is going to be revealed!


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